Weeds (season 7) - Halfway House Nyc

- 01.39

The seventh season of Weeds premiered on June 27, 2011 at 10 E/9 C on the television cable network Showtime, and consisted of 13 episodes. As the season picks up, Nancy has spent three years in prison and now lives in a strictly monitored halfway house in New York City, where the family meet after the other Botwins have spent three years in Denmark.

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Andy, Doug, Silas, and Shane have been living in Copenhagen for the last three years. Silas is 24 years old and Shane is 18 years old. Shane was a puppeteer with his now ex-girlfriend, Silas found work as a model for "some flower water", and Andy and Doug gave tours of Copenhagen under the name "Wonderful Wonderful Tours" (recalling the premiere of season five, Wonderful Wonderful). Nancy's sister Jill, who has been raising Stevie to believe Nancy is his aunt, tells them Nancy has been released and is in a halfway house in New York City. Andy, Doug, Silas, and Shane return to New York City to find Nancy, who flees in shame upon seeing them. Silas tries to start up his modeling career under the name Silas Guinard, the last name of his biological father Lars Guinard. Doug meets an old college buddy, who gets him hired at a venture capital firm.

Andy and Shane meet Nancy when she comes back to the halfway house from a job interview. During the reunion, Nancy is submitted to a random drug test, administered under suspicion that she had just smoked marijuana. This marks the second time Nancy smokes marijuana on screen.

Jill informs Nancy she wants custody of Stevie. Nancy and Silas fly to California to attend a custody hearing, only to find it has been postponed by Jill's lawyer. Nancy drives to Jill's house to visit Stevie, but is refused. After making a scene, Nancy strikes a deal with Scott, Jill's husband, to allow her to use a webcam to see Stevie in secret. Meanwhile, Silas attempts to negotiate with the judge handling the custody case to have the hearing resumed. The judge agrees to meet with Nancy in his chambers and advises her to "return to those who helped you succeed... Be the Nancy that raised Silas."

While in California, Nancy attempts to obtain pot from her original supplier, Heylia James, only to be greeted by a shotgun. Dean stops the ensuing shootout; he has moved in with Heylia in return for his legal help regarding marijuana laws. Heylia is cultivating a massive field of Silas' and Conrad's MILF weed. Nancy follows Heylia around her field and the two tentatively rekindle their old friendship.

Back in New York, Shane wins the favor of an aggressive guest detective speaking in one of his criminal justice classes. Andy pitches his motorized "Copenhagen Wheel" to Doug's business associates, only to be met with ridicule. Silas confronts Nancy about having kept him in the dark for so much of his life as to his true father's identity.

Even after their initial hostility, Heylia ultimately agrees to provide Nancy with a shipment of MILF weed in New York, in exchange for Silas's labor in harvesting the current crop. Silas decides to stay. Nancy manages to briefly see Stevie at a planetarium, but he seems to only have a mild attachment to his biological mother. She whispers something into his ear before leaving. Shane also decides to provide Andy with the financial backing to open his "Copenhagen Wheel" business, in anticipation of it being a successful business in its own right, as well as a cover for Nancy's prospective weed business once she returns. Silas returns to New York in Heylia's van, full of enthusiasm for his "big plans." Nancy is concerned that Silas is becoming indebted to Heylia, but agrees to meet.

Shane decides to start taking criminal justice classes. Shane impresses, befriends, then apprentices under a working NYPD detective. Nancy gets involved with the SEC in hopes of obtaining an early release from the halfway house.

Pouncy House, Silas' main competition, threatens him. Nancy makes another trip to Zoya's brother's apartment to pick up some marijuana, and finds Zoya has been released early. Nancy is then forced to make love to her old cell mate. They are watched. Nancy then makes love to her ex-cell mate's brother (Demetri). She is not allowed to leave with the drugs she came to pick up.

Following SEC investigators instruction, Nancy allows herself to be wired and goes on a date with the CEO of Doug's company. She takes him home. Silas is there with Zoya's brother, who has delivered the weed. Zoya shows up and kisses Nancy in front of Silas and Andy. Nancy, not wanting the SEC agents to hear the details of her drug business, tries to muffle the mic with a pillow and loud music, then makes a fast retreat back to the CEO's home and sleeps with him. Nancy informs the CEO that she was wearing a wire for the SEC. The CEO flees and Nancy promptly sets fire to his home, knowing Zoya's history of arson and prior threats to the CEO will make her the prime suspect. The SEC agents meet with Nancy, threatening to throw her back in jail. Doug saves the day when he informs the agents that they are going to let everything slide, because their pension funds are tied into the CEO's company. The chief agent then buys weed from Nancy. Zoya, fearing new criminal charges, flees to Vermont to start a pet boarding facility, which she and Nancy had discussed while in prison. With Zoya out of the way, Nancy again sets to selling drugs, using Doug's corporate position to give herself leverage against their main competition, Pouncy House Party Rentals.

Under pretext of updating a computer, Shane prints out a police report on Pouncy House. He shows the files to Nancy who, preoccupied with her personal drama, leaves the file on the counter.

Silas meets Emma for lunch. Emma claims she is nothing more than a disgruntled Pouncy House employee. Silas, enamored, offers her a job on their team. Silas sleeps with Emma after showing her the entire operations of their weed-dealing business. He wakes to find Emma gone. Silas discovered that Emma was the boss of Pounce House and stole their computer, which holds client lists, dealing routes, and other valuable information.

At Doug's office, a SEC worker is issued the job of evaluating the SEC's pension funds in order to see if they are being mismanaged. The new SEC worker has ultra-sensitive hearing and overhears Doug and a fellow worker discussing a large sum of money being taken. Nancy leaves the office after a call from the Police department informing that Shane has been arrested. Nancy goes to the police station and gets Shane, after talking with the detective about how hard it is to be single mother, while stating that Shane is not involved with Pouncy House. The cop gives Nancy some time to talk with Shane and see why he stole the files. Nancy then returns to Andy's bike shop to find that Andy has kidnapped Emma, at nail-gun point and was threatening to shoot her. Nancy sends Andy away, gives Emma a stern talking to, but leaves Silas and Emma to work it out. Returning to the police station, Nancy informs the detective that Shane was only looking out for his brother, who has started dating a girl involved with Pouncy House. The detective then offers to help Nancy by making a drug bust on Pouncy House in order to scare Shane straight, and to help Nancy keep her boys out of trouble.

Nancy then goes to Demetri claiming to have solved their ongoing weed sales problem. Silas and Emma resolve to partner up. Silas then gathers everyone (his delivery men, supplier Demetri, and the Pouncy House crew) to begin working out details. He calls Nancy to let her know that he also "has solved the problem."

Nancy's mentioning of Silas' involvement with Emma to the detective leads to a raid on Pouncy House. Emma and others from Pouncy House are arrested and Shane is brought along to experience the bust. The detective calls Shane by his last name in front of Emma, revealing to her that the Botwin family was somehow involved in the bust. Silas finds out about the bust and is furious with Nancy. He accuses her of being a control freak and breaks his partnership with her to form his own business. Nancy manages to steal Silas' front man and his modeling connections, while Silas convinces Andy to briefly side with him and attempts to negotiate with Demetri behind Nancy's back. However, Nancy was hidden in Demetri's apartment during their conversation and learns of Silas' plans.

Silas goes to Emma and tells her that he was not involved in the drug bust. She believes him, reforms their partnership, and agrees to let him move in with her. In an act of retaliation, Emma goes to the NYPD and tells them that Silas was never involved with Pouncy House and that Nancy only reported them to eliminate her competition. The detective confronts Shane after learning the truth and tells him that he will make Shane's life a living hell because the Botwins used the NYPD as their drug muscle.

After learning that Nancy and Silas are on opposing sides, Demetri convinces a gang of his "bored" military friends to intercept Silas' next MILF delivery from Heylia, without telling Nancy of his plan. The delivery is made by Heylia and Dean, who wind up getting robbed at gunpoint by Demetri's men. Nancy notices that Demetri has weed despite his shipment not being scheduled to arrive until days later. Demetri tells her it is Silas' MILF weed and that he set up a robbery. Nancy realizes that the rivalry has gone too far. She tells Demetri to give back the shipment and attempts to call Silas and reconcile. After learning of the robbery from Heylia and Dean, Silas is infuriated and realizes that Nancy only cares about herself, her weed, and in a moment of clarity, realizes that she also cares about Stevie. Silas sees Stevie as Nancy's weakness and calls Jill, summoning her to New York to collect evidence about Nancy's drug business to use against her in court. As Jill arrives in New York, Nancy receives a call from her judge informing her that he received paperwork detailing her employment and release from the halfway house and tells her that she will most likely get custody of Stevie.

Nancy returns home to find Jill at her computer downloading her customer database. Jill tells Nancy that she knows about the drug business and threatens to report her and have her sent back to prison if she doesn't sign over custody of Stevie. Nancy refuses and Jill accompanies her to Demetri's apartment to get the stolen MILF and deliver it to Silas. When they arrive, they find Demetri's crew of robbers in his apartment. The crew is "baked" and tells Nancy that Demetri was busted in an unrelated crime and sent to prison. Nancy takes the shipment from the apartment concealed in a giant stuffed gorilla wearing an Army t-shirt.

After a conversation with Andy, Silas regrets calling Jill and realizes that he has taken the rivalry between him and Nancy too far. Jill is still insistent that Nancy sign over custody, but Andy intervenes and mediates the dispute. Andy resolves the issue by getting everyone to agree to live together in Connecticut.

Several months later, the new "Botwin, Price-Gray" estate (with a little financial help from Doug) in Connecticut is launched with a family dinner. Shane returns home from police academy training. Shane hides his police academy hat and lies to Nancy about why he was late for dinner, telling her that his art history class ran late.

As the season finale closes, the family sits at the table eating. The camera changes to a view through a rifle scope. The cross hairs pan around the table, finally settling on Nancy's head. The screen goes black, and a shot is fired.


Former cast members

Tonye Patano returns for four episodes as Heylia, who has not been seen since the season 3 finale. Conrad and Vanita do not return; Heylia mentions that Conrad is living somewhere else.

Andy Milder also returns as Dean Hodes.

Recurring cast

  • Olga Sosnovska as Zoya Ravitch
  • Andy Milder as Dean Hodes
  • Bruce Nozick as Whit Tillerman
  • Kat Foster as Kiku
  • Lindsay Sloane as Maxeen
  • David Clennon as Charles
  • Michael J. Harney as Mitch Ouellette
  • Rachel Pace as Shayla Grey
  • Amanda Pace as Taylor Grey
  • Ethan and Gavin Kent as 6 year old Stevie Ray Botwin
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External links

  • List of Weeds episodes at the Internet Movie Database
  • List of Weeds episodes at TV.com
  • Weeds at epguides.com

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